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Old February 07, 2012, 05:36 AM
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Perikles Perikles is offline
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Originally Posted by laepelba View Post
Thanks everyone - Perikles, that is actually quite freeing - that there may not be any "logical" reason why it's "por" other than it's a collocation. I enjoy learning collocations and which verbs are typically used with which prepositions. I have whole lists of them.....
Being a mathematician myself, I know the curse of needing a logical explanation for everything. Then you are doomed when learning a natural language, because often there is no explanation.

I actually can't remember anything unless I feel I understand it. So sometimes I resort to etymology, and can remember words because of their roots. This of course is nonsense, because you still have no explanation for the root itself, but I kid myself that this is a logical explanation so I remember (sometimes ). I have found that being aware of collocations, word combinations which are correct simply because they are, I can fool myself that this is a sort of explanation.
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