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Old August 31, 2009, 03:31 AM
Muroutterlano Muroutterlano is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
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Muroutterlano is on a distinguished road
When to use the verb "Ser" and when to use "Estar"

Im not an expert, and I havent done Spanish grammar for a while; so any and all of this can be incorrect.

But I think what you were told, that there are no rules, is wrong.

As I understand it, in general, if the situation is temporary or referring to location it uses estar. "La puerta está abierta." And if the situation is more permanent "el gato es rojo," ser is used instead. Then there are nuances, exceptions, and further specificity, but that is the basic use that I was taught. I dont think the third person singular conjugations are magically different in their uses from the other 5...

I would use "es" for pesado. Am I confused?

Last edited by Rusty; August 31, 2009 at 04:27 AM. Reason: Removed advertising
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