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Old November 30, 2022, 06:30 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
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Originally Posted by BobRitter View Post
Estos pantalones me quedan demasiado prietos.
Estos pantalones son demasiado prietos para mí.

Para mí el secundo parece mucho simple y directo.

Como siempre, gracias.
First of all, this is a vocabulary note: Although it's the first entry in the dictionary, I have never seen the word "prieto" as "tight".
"Prieto" has always meant "dark colored" for me, and it's quite often used as a derogatory term for dark-skinned people in Mexico.
So, for tight, I'd rather go for "apretado" or "justo". In a higher register, "ceñido".

Both sentences are correct and both could mean the same, but for me there is a little nuance:
- Estos pantalones me quedan demasiado apretados/justos/ceñidos. -> I can't wear these pants, because they are a smaller size than the one that fits me.
- Estos pantalones son demasiado apretados/justos/ceñidos para mí. -> I could wear these pants, but I'd rather not, because tight clothes are not my style and I feel uncomfortable.
"Para mí" often introduces my opinion on something and in this case, unless it's understood I'm an obviously bigger size, I'd take this sentence as my view on how I look in these pants.
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