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Old March 15, 2017, 06:59 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
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Originally Posted by lordhelmit View Post
I have made what I think are all the appropriate edits
That's fine, but correcting is easier if you include the new version in your latest message.

Originally Posted by lordhelmit View Post
I totally knew about the personal "a" before the "su" but it just slipped my mind. That's why I'm here! Same with repetitive "su", I knew it was, but wasn't sure if putting "la" would have made as much sense.
We've all been there, don't worry. Practice makes perfect.

Originally Posted by lordhelmit View Post
Buenos días. Voy a PR ésto (*) agosto con mi novia para conocer a su familia. Ya conocí a sus hermanos, pero es el tiempo conocer a su padre y la familia de la iglesia (trying to say and her church family) (You may use "su famila" or "de su iglesia"; one or the other is fine combined with the article). He tratado DE aprender más desde mis mensajes previos, pero conseguí fristrado (Check the previous note about this. "Conseguir" is not an appropriate verb here. Try using the verb "frustrarse" alone or "sentirse frustrado"). Creo que puedo leer y escribir bien, pero todavía tengo problemas con escuchar y hablar.
That's a very good paragraph. It only has a couple of details to be fixed.

Note: (*) "Esto" is a neuter pronoun that shouldn't be confused with the demonstrative adjectives "este"/"estos", "esta"/"estas".
The demonstrative adjectives are always placed before a noun: "esta mañana", "estas niñas", "este agosto", "estos días".

The old rule said that they only bear a written accent when these words are used as demonstrative pronouns, substituting things we already know about:
- Tengo muchas muñecas, pero ésta es la que me gusta más.
I have many dolls, but this is the one I like best.
- Éste es el coche que quiero comprar.
This is the car I want to buy.
- De las monedas que coleccionas, ¿me puedo quedar con éstas?
From the coins you're collecting, ¿may I keep these ones?
- Hice panqués. Toma éstos.
I made muffins. Take these.
However, the new rule says that none of them have a written accent anymore, so you may forget about every accent in this set of words.

As for "esto"/"eso"/"aquello", these are neuter pronouns that work independently of any noun. It will depend on the context what they refer to.
- Deja de hacer eso.
Stop doing that.
- Esto no me gusta nada.
I don't like this at all.
- ¿Te acuerdas de aquello de lo que te hablé?
Do you remember that thing I told you about?

Originally Posted by lordhelmit View Post
Is there a specific thing I can look up to tell me exactly when/what situation to add these?
I'm afraid there is no specific rule to follow. The hardest thing to learn in a foreign language, is the use of prepositions and verb combinations. We may have a general idea of what they mean, but their specific use are peculiar in every language. ;(

I'm glad you've found a method that works for you. As long as you enjoy it, you'll definitely keep on learning.
And there are plenty of regional accents; listening to hers will also help you understand many others.
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