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Old June 13, 2010, 03:46 AM
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Perikles Perikles is offline
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I have always understood things as Irma said.
To hear = oír = the physical sense of detecting a sound
To listen to = escuchar = make sense of these sounds

However, my dictionary indicates there is quite an overlap, both in English and in Spanish:

oír = to hear
no oiga nada I can't hear anything
he oído hablar de él I've heard of him

oír = to listen to
oigo la radio por la mañana I listen to the radio in the morning
el juez oyó a los dos partes The judge heard both sides

The last example is interesting, because oír and to hear are used in clear sense of to listen to (hopefully)

oír misa to go to mass (where one hopes the people might actually be listening )

escuchar = to listen to
no me escuchaba she wasn't listening to me

escuchar = to hear
habla más fuerte que no te escucho speak up, I can hardly hear you

However, the last meaning of escuchar = to hear is given specifically as Latin America

Language is so woolly, isn't it?

Last edited by Perikles; June 13, 2010 at 03:48 AM.
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