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Old May 07, 2007, 08:18 AM
celador celador is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 99
celador is on a distinguished road
thank you all again

I can see this kind of input is exactly what I needed. I am especially interested in how it might sound vos alta en Español since it is meant to be poetry.

lamento (now why didn't I think of that?) it says moan but that may just a quirk of the translator.

lamento haber mirada / I lament to have looked.
also haber is a good verb for this but my translator doesnt like haberte it will read habérse as to have

Ok here is the complete poem (don't laugh at my Spanish ok) any other input on the other lines will be appreciated as well.

lo siento que miré / sorry (that) i looked

La primera vez que te vio / the first time that I saw you;
quizás la vestido rojas muy pequeño ; / perhaps the very small red dress
¡qué sonrisa!/ that smile;
noté tu piel cremosa, / I noticed your creamy skin;
eso acentúa los ojos oscuros, / that accentuates those dark eyes,
y el cabello negro largo; / and long black hair;

Y tú, tú eras esbelta y más alto / and you, you were thin and more tall;
más que pensé; / more than I thought;
así que muy bonita también; / so very pretty too;

¡yo miraba! / i looked;
no podría ayudarme; / i could not help myself;
no, miré fijamente; / no, i stared;

estoy apesadumbrado / i am sorry (grieved)
para ese momento corto / for that short moment
que duró demasiado / that lasted for too much
traicionó mi deseo secreto; / it betrayed my secret wish;
acabo antes de que comenzara; / finished before it began;
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