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Old August 04, 2009, 06:32 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Mexico City
Posts: 9,046
Native Language: Mexican Spanish
AngelicaDeAlquezar is on a distinguished road
@David: "la variable" is correct. And "el (número) pi".

In Mexico we use "las matemáticas" in plural.

Some additions:

Campos (los) - Fields
Trigonometría (la) - trigonometry

Seno (el) - sine
Coseno (el) - cosine
Tangente (la) - tangent
División (la) - ratio
Hipotenusa (la) - hypotenuse
Cateto adyacente (el) - adjacent leg
Cateto opuesto (el) - opposite leg
Ángulo recto (el) - 90 degree angle
Triángulo rectángulo (el) - right triangle
Triángulo equilátero (el) - equilateral triangle
Triángulo isósceles (el) - isosceles triangle
Triángulo escaleno (el) - scalene triangle
Teorema (el) - theorem
Polígono (el) - Polygon
pendiente (la) - Slope
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