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Old April 30, 2012, 04:57 AM
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aleCcowaN aleCcowaN is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 3,127
Native Language: Castellano
aleCcowaN is on a distinguished road
como lo vuelvas a hacer si lo vuelves a hacer

si lo vuelves a hacer ---> in an imaginary world (space of events) where you 100% do this
como lo vuelvas a hacer ---> in the event you'd be doing this

si lo vuelves a hacer te arrestarĂ¡n ---> mechanical description of consequence: Lo vuelves a hacer, te arrestan. No lo vuelves a hacer, no te arrestan. Si lo vuelves a hacer, te arrestan.

como lo vuelvas a hacer te arrestarĂ¡n ---> a warning: in the event you do this you'll trigger a chain of events which will lead you to this

You may think of "si" as powerful enough to create a branch of reality where things happen without really being happening (indicative because they happen) with all the branch being kind of an isolated reality -hence the mechanical aspect-. "Como" has not such a strength so it introduces what is more a comment within the previous reality and not an independent hypothetical reality. The eventual aspect of that, the warning aspect and its discouraging intention (don't do it) are all three carried by subjunctive.

You know, Spanish verbal system: powerful, flexible ... difficult
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