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Old June 24, 2014, 10:00 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Mexico City
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Native Language: Mexican Spanish
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Very well done!

There are a couple of corrections on things that I didn't mention before, to avoid distractions from those errors that I thought were more important, so don't worry about new notes.

Originally Posted by luis magistrado View Post
En el momento de) en (The preposition "en" makes reference to when, while "de" would call for a definition or a possession, which wouldn't make sense here) que las ondas sonoras entran a tu oreja y se vuelven impulsos neurales neuronales (Check a dictionary for definitions of these two words; I think the second fits better the context), tu cerebro efectúa esta serie de eventos rápidos que pocos de nosotros estamos conscientes de ellos, pero sin los cuales no podríamos comunicarse (Person agreement. Pronominal particles must agree with your subject).

Para los hablantes bilingües, este proceso involucra ambos lenguajes; (Check the use of ";": we need it to mark two different sentences, so the idea is clear from the start) desde la primera sílaba que escuchan, su cerebro está trabajando para identificar la palabra, y el cerebro del oyente empieza a identificar todaspalabras (Check this little typo; there is also an article missing between these two words), en cualquiera de los idiomas, que podrían encajar a (I see a difficulty with the use of dictionaries here. "Encajar" is mostly used for physical things that fit in a place; your previous choice gives an idea of two things that go together. The problem when trying to translate to a language we don't know very well yet is that we have to make a double check with dictionaries: first look the words up in a bilingual dictionary, then check entry by entry in the Spanish dictionary to make sure that we are using the word with the closest meaning to the original text. It's long, but it's safer and you'll know just what you are saying. I suggest you use "corresponder", so the sentence makes immediate sense for the Spanish speaker.) los sonidos mientras llegan en secuencia.

Cómo el lenguaje moldea tu cerebro depende en parte cuando aprende otro lenguaje. Por ejemplo, el área de Broca es diferente entre los estudiantes jóvenes de lenguaje y los estudiantes adultos. No obstante, si aprendes otro lenguaje después de la adolescencia, un área separada se desarrolla para el segundo lenguaje cerca de el área que se utilizada (Check conjugation. You're using a past participle with a particle that should be used with a conjugated verb) para su lengua nativa. A pesar de la diferencia en la estructura del cerebro, tanto viejos como jóvenes ganan los beneficios de hablar varios idiomas.

Ya que los centros de lenguaje en el cerebro son muy flexibles, el aprendizaje de un segundo lenguaje puede desarrollar áreas nuevas de tu cerebro y fortalecer la habilidad natural de tu cerebro para concentrarse, considerar las posibilidades varias* (No comma before "y" in a list) y procesar la información.

Al igual que ejercitas a tu cuerpo para mantener tu corazón saludable y tus músculos fuertes, ejercitando (Look out! There are very few cases when -ing forms in English correspond to an "-ando", "-iendo" forms in Spanish. In many cases it's the infinitive the matching translation. This is the case here) a (If you use "a" here (and in the previous one), you're inserting the "personal a", which you actually don't need since you are not talking about a person.) tu mente puede afilar (One more for blaming a limited dictionary. You could leave it like that if you wish to make a picturesque metaphor, but there are more suitable translations to keep the formal tone of the original text. Check meanings for "agudizar", "mejorar", "aumentar", "aguzar", "afinar"...) tu habilidad para tomar la decisión y mejorar tus habilidades para la comunicación. Así que si sólo hablas un lenguaje o no has hablado tu segundo lenguaje desde la escuela secundaria, ahora es el momento para empezar a aprender.

Originally Posted by luis magistrado View Post
Since I have trouble combining " hacer" with other words like "ejercicio" I decided to remove it and just translate the verb "exercise". After all the article used the verb "exercise" not "doing exercise".
Well done. Your alternative works fine.

As for this kind of verbs, they work just like any other verb and must be conjugated accordingly to your subject.

For your text, the person who exercises their body and their mind is "tú", so the verb must be conjugated for the second person singular: "haces ejercicio".

Your second problem was what to do with "tu cuerpo" and "tu mente", so if you already have a subject, then you need a linking word so your reader knows what the activity actually is: "haces ejercicio con tu cuerpo", "haces ejercicio con tu mente".

The rest of the difficulties with the last paragraph may be dealt with one by one if you wish to ask questions about them.
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