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Old August 16, 2010, 04:38 AM
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HomoVulgaris HomoVulgaris is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Lithuania
Posts: 58
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HomoVulgaris is on a distinguished road

Ecuador is very beautiful country, but you have to weight all cons and pros.

I you are a social type of person you will like Quito or
Guayaquil. If you want simple life, you can live in the province, like BaƱos, with all benefits of urban life. I would go for a montaneous region, because of moderate temperatures year round. Last time I was in Ecuador the 2 bedroom house in the suburbs was selling at around 40000 USD. Because of tax breaks, many houses and apartments are left unfinished, so you mileage can vary with this.

On the other hand, you have to take into account the risks. Many places in Ecuador are under the risk of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and landslides. And, of course, the unstable geopolitical situation - radical leftist politicians and border conflicts with neighbours.

Other options or relocation I often hear are Panama, Costa Rica, Paraguay.

Hope this helps