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Old August 08, 2015, 07:48 AM
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aleCcowaN aleCcowaN is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Native Language: Castellano
aleCcowaN is on a distinguished road
"No estamos listos para pedir" is the correct, though somewhat literal, translation of "we're not ready to order" ["todavía no (nos) hemos decidido" is what I would say to the waiter, if asked -because "are you ready to order?" doesn't translate literally either: "¿qué se van a servir?" or "¿qué desean ordenar?"-]

In that sentence "to order" is a full preposition and not used to mark the infinitive of the verb. You were probably thinking of cases like "to order or not to order, that is the question" ("pedir o no pedir, esa es la cuestión"). Use this example to compare the "to + verb" and decide whether the preposition needs to be expressed in Spanish or not.
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