Thread: Apuro
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Old March 23, 2020, 10:29 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Mexico City
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Native Language: Mexican Spanish
AngelicaDeAlquezar is on a distinguished road
They are common meanings.

- Prometió llevar a los niños a Disneylandia y luego se vio en apuros para juntar el dinero.
He promised to take the children to Disneyland and then he struggled to get the money.

- Si necesitas salir de apuros, puedes vender tus joyas.
If you're out of money, you can sell your jewels.

- Me metí en apuros por decir que terminaría hoy el trabajo.
I got in trouble for saying I'd finish the job today.

- Cuando era niño, tuvimos muchos apuros económicos.
When I was a child, we struggled with poverty.

- Qué bueno que el jefe reconoció mis apuros y me dio un aumento.
I'm glad the boss acknowledged my plight and gave me a rise.

- Con el apuro, ya no vi qué hora era.
I was in a hurry and I couldn't see what time it was.

And there's one more, as feeling ashamed, but I almost don't hear this one used often:
- Me dio apuro ver cómo hacías el ridículo.
I cringed to see you making a fool of yourself.
Ain't it wonderful to be alive when the Rock'n'Roll plays...

Last edited by AngelicaDeAlquezar; March 24, 2020 at 11:44 AM.
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