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Old April 18, 2014, 03:24 PM
Zarnium Zarnium is offline
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 25
Zarnium is on a distinguished road
As a rather recent Spanish student myself, I'll give you my thoughts.

You don't need to sound perfect with your accent, but I'd say you should avoid blatantly wrong pronunciation mistakes, particularly with words similar to English ones. For example, "música" should be pronounced "moo-see-ka," not like the English word "music" with an a at the end of it. ("Myoo-zi-kuh"). Same thing with "universidad;" it's pronounced more or less like "oo-nee-bare-see-dawd," not "yoo-ni-vers-ih-dad."

(Maybe I'm nitpicking, but I'm really tired of hearing my fellow students make egregiously wrong pronunciation mistakes like these, even though they've been studying Spanish for two semesters.)

Also, I'd recommend making some small attempt to sound "native," though you don't need to bother getting it perfect at this point. Most notably, I'd recommend pronouncing all "r"s like English "d"s. You don't have to do the trilled r sound if you have trouble making it, but a "d" sound is much closer to a Spanish "r" than an English "r" is. Maybe it's just me, but I find the use of the English "r" sound in Spanish to be really grating on the ears, and all English speakers should be able to make a "d" sound.

I'm very new at this myself, so someone more experienced than I am can correct me if they I'm wrong about something.
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