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Old July 21, 2009, 04:43 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Mexico City
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Native Language: Mexican Spanish
AngelicaDeAlquezar is on a distinguished road
Subjunctive is used with "si" when you're expressing a remote possibility.

Si quisieras escucharme, te darías cuenta de que no soy culpable.
If you would only listen, you'd realize I'm not guilty.

Si Juan fuera más amable, tendría más amigos.
If Juan were kinder, he'd have more friends.

Subjunctive is used with "cuando" to express a situation you're expecting to happen.

Cuando vayas a la farmacia, compra los pañales del bebé.
When you go to the drugstore, buy the baby's diapers.

Cuando tenga mi título universitario, voy a tener un mejor trabajo.
When I have my bachelor's degree, I'll have a better job.
Ain't it wonderful to be alive when the Rock'n'Roll plays...
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