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Old June 06, 2010, 11:48 AM
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ajak568 ajak568 is offline
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ajak568 is on a distinguished road
Reverse Culture Shock

Have any of you ever experienced it?

I haven't traveled very much AT ALL in my life. This is only my second time out of the US and the longest I have ever been outside of the country. I am in Asturias, Spain, studying for a semester and I've been here for about four months now. I return home in a couple of weeks. I've always been an independent person, so doing things for myself has not been a big issue, but I am a bit apprehensive about returning home. I am, of course, excited to see my family and my friends (and also sad to be leaving Asturias!), but I am worried about experiencing reverse culture shock. Like I said, I have not traveled very much in my life, so my guess is that I would be pretty vulnerable to experiencing reverse culture shock to some extent.

Does anybody have any stories or any experiences of going through reverse culture shock? I would love to hear them. Please feel free to respond in Spanish or English, whichever makes you feel most comfortable.
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