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Old June 24, 2018, 06:28 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Mexico City
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Native Language: Mexican Spanish
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The verb usage is correct, Bob. It's used like the verb "gustar" and others that work as if the indirect object were "more important" than the subject.

- A mí me apetece trabajar.
I feel like working.

- A mis niños les disgusta comer verduras.
My children dislike eating vegetables.

- ¿(A ti) te molesta si (yo) fumo?
Do you mind if I smoke?

- A Martín le fascinan las fresas.
Martín loves strawberries.

- (A mí) me enoja que mi equipo de futbol pierda.
I get mad when my football team loses.

- (A mí) se me antoja un helado.
I'm craving ice-cream.

We don't say "No me apetezco trabajar hoy" (it would have an unclear meaning similar to "I don't feel like me to work today"), but we may say "no apetezco trabajar hoy" (Literally: I'm not craving working today), with almost the same meaning.

Usage note: The verb "apetecer", is not commonly heard in Latin American countries.
We tend to use other verbs instead:
- No me apetece trabajar. -No se me antoja trabajar. -No tengo ganas de trabajar. ...
- ¿Te apetece una cerveza? -¿Quieres una cerveza? -¿Se te antoja una cerveza? ...
- ¿Os apetece ir al cine? -¿Quieren ir al cine? -¿Les gustaría ir al cine? ...
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