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Old November 06, 2017, 11:34 AM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
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@Poli: Yes, the verb pintar may have other meanings, like "aparentar", "parecer" and others not so clear sometimes; but when it talks about the representation of something/someone and/or its coloring with paint (or any pigment), then it works the same as in English, as it's the case here. The butterfly has paint ("pintura") on it, so in Spanish we say "pintada".

@David: Indeed, the word "pinta" often refers to an appearance.
- Tu amigo tiene pinta de ladrón. -> He looks like a thief.
- Te reconocí por la pinta. -> I recognized your body shape.
- Los postres tienen buena pinta. -> They look good.
- El profesor tiene buena pinta. -> He seems to be a good teacher.

- Este asunto no pinta bien. -> All this smells fishy.

@Pino: Cierto.
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