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Old February 07, 2012, 02:33 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
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There is a dropdown menu on top of dialog boxes in the forums for inserting Spanish characters, so you can avoid "?" at the beginning of a sentence, which is incorrect.

Some more comments and corrections below.

Originally Posted by rparmst View Post
1) with verbs of emotion
If I were to say "I was glad that you worked so much.". --> "Me alegraba que trabajaras tanto."
But if I wanted to say "I AM glad you worked so much." "Me alegra que trabajaras hayas trabajado tanto." -- or is it trabajaste?
"Trabajaras" would be more suitable for a sentence like "Me habría gustado que trabajaras más" (I would have liked that you worked more) or "Me gustaría que trabajaras más (I would like you to work more).

2) reflexive verbs
If I were to say, "Were you surprised that they didn't like the party?" --> "? ¿Te sorprendabas sorprendiste (if you say sorprendías, that would mean that this was a habit) de que no les gustaran haya gustado (your subject here is "la fiesta", not "ellos") la fiesta?" But if I wanted to say "? ¿ARE you surprised that they didn't like the party?" --> "? ¿Te sorprendes de que no les gustara haya gustado la fiesta?" -- or is it gustó?
"Gustara" would be more suitable for a sentence like "¿Te habrías sorprendido de que no les gustara la fiesta? (Would you have been surprised if they hadn't liked the party?) or "¿Te sorprenderías de que no les gustara la fiesta? (Would you be surprised if they wouldn't like the party?)

3) impersonal expressions
If I were to say, "It was a shame that you arrived late and couldn't see the movie." --> "Fue una lástima que llegaras hayas llegado tarde y no pudieras hayas podido ver la película."
But if I wanted to say, "It IS a shame that you arrived late and couldn't see the movie." --> "Es una lástima que no llegaras tarde y no pudieras ver la película.". -- or is it llegaste and pudiste
"Llegaras" and "pudieras" would be more suitable for sentences like: "Habría sido una lástima que llegaras tarde y no pudieras ver la película" (It would have been a shame that you'd arrive late and couldn't see the movie) or "Sería una lástima que llegaras tarde y no pudieras ver la película" (It would be a shame if you arrived late and couldn't see the movie.)

4) with doubt
"I doubted that everyone liked your friends.". --> "Dudé que a todos no les gustaran tus amigos." Wrong sentence, try rewording.
But "I DOUBT that everyone liked your friends" --> "Dudo que a todos les gustaran hayan gustado tus amigos." -- or is it gustaron?
"Gustaran" would be more suitable in "Habría dudado que a todos les gustaran tus amigos" (I would have doubted that everyone would like your friends) or "Dudaría que a todos les gustaran tus amigos" (I would doubt that everyone would like your friends.)

5) indefinite antecedent
Similarly-- "I don't know of anyone who came here while it was raining." --> "No sé de nadie que viniera aquí cuando estaba lloviendo." (Your Spanish sentence with "viniera" means you never knew of anyone who would come here anytime it would be raining. For your idea in English, it should be "haya venido". --or is it vino?
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