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Old May 18, 2010, 12:55 AM
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irmamar irmamar is offline
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Originally Posted by wafflestomp View Post
I couldn't think of a good way to name the topic, but here goes..

In English, say at a deli, they will say "are you being helped?"
¿Te están ayudando/te ayudan? perífrasis verbal (estar haciendo)/presente
or people will say to you in conversation "have you been called before"
¿Te han llamado antes? pretérito perfecto compuesto
or " have you ever been drunk"
¿Has estado alguna vez borracho? pretérito perfecto c.
( couldn't think of a good example lol) the same is used with the word "gotten" -- "have you ever gotten killed in the video game?"
¿Te han matado alguna vez en el juego de vídeo? pretérito perfecto c.
Something simpler would be " have you gone there" or " had you been there - has ido ahí/habias ido ahí

But how would these things translate to Spanish? Is it some other verb tense?one of the compound ones? Or is it just said simpler?

Thank you !
We don't use passive form so much as you do so, instead of saying "estás siendo ayudado" I said "te están ayudando/te ayudan".
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