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Old June 27, 2011, 08:35 AM
Luna Azul Luna Azul is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Luna Azul is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Rusty View Post

Remember, the personal 'a' is not a preposition.
Actually "a" is a preposition. It's considered a preposition in Spanish grammar. The term "personal 'a' " was probably coined by some English grammarian. It's a term never used in Spanish. No one mentions " 'a' personal" in any grammar book in Spanish that I know.

I understand that the term helps students and comes very handy when explaining the usage of "a".

Anyway, "a" is a preposition and one of it uses is to precede the Object when it is a person. The DRAE explains it better than me, of course:

(Del lat. ad).

1. prep. Precede a determinados complementos verbales, como el complemento indirecto y el complemento directo cuando este es de persona determinada o está de algún modo personificado. Legó su fortuna a los pobres. Respeta a los ancianos. El gato persigue a un ratón.

I hope it helped.

Perikles = This is confusing when the Latin a, ab which takes the ablative case, is still extant in Romance languages, for example French à indicating an indirect object, and even more confusing, Spanish a introducing the indirect object such as in le escribió una carta a su padre.

The above is just me thinking aloud.
You got it right when talking about the DO.. But.. don't you say "he wrote a letter to his father"?

No matter which way you put it, that "a" has to exist in Spanish.
If you say:
"Le escribió una carta su padre" you're saying that "his father wrote him a letter".
"Una carta le escribió su padre" = same thing.

In English you could say (not used, but you could say it): "To his father he wrote a letter". Same thing in Spanish.

I know, it doesn't work with every verb in English, but I thought this could be a good example to make it a little more understandable..

Spanish word order is so flexible that in its simplicity (what can be simpler than being able to write a sentence with the words almost in any order and still make sense?) it can make life miserable sometimes..

Last edited by Luna Azul; June 27, 2011 at 08:54 AM.
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