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Old April 06, 2011, 04:23 AM
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explorator explorator is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Spain
Posts: 138
Native Language: Castillan spanish
explorator is on a distinguished road
I must admit that I'm not satisfied with the film about Capitan Alatriste, directed a few years ago by Agustín Díaz Yañez; anyway the effort that Viggo Mortensen made to speak Spain's spanish in it, would be lost if the film were dubbed into any other language. This is just an example to express that watching films in their original languages is the only way to perceive the real actoral work.
In the other hand, I like watching the original version of films in english, french and italian, because I'm able to understand them and doing this way I improve my speaking and listening skills, but, if a film has been shot in a language I don't understand, I dont see the point of watching it not dubbed.
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