Thread: Puns
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Old June 03, 2010, 01:04 AM
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irmamar irmamar is offline
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irmamar is on a distinguished road
yTheir common name is "juegos de palabras", but each one has a different name. For instance:

Retruécano: usually the start with "no es lo mismo": no es lo mismo yo lo coloco y ella lo quita que yo loco, loco y ella loquita.

Calambur: the most famous (I think I mentioned it in another thread) is a Quevedo's calambur, of whom it is said that he had bet to tell the Queen that she was lame: entre el clavel y la rosa, su majestad escoja (es-coja). Another one very famous is: si el rey no muere, el reino muere.

Palíndromo which had already been mentioned here, such as: dábale arroz a la zorra el abad.

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