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Old July 23, 2017, 07:37 AM
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aleCcowaN aleCcowaN is offline
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Here's the translation. Take it as a one-in-a-long-time exception. This forum isn't a free translating service. In return I'm asking you to make a small donation to a charity of your choice in Tomisimo's name.

As I've said previously, the text sounds pretty patronizing and I think showing it will defeat its purpose. I still recommend you to make cards and use them as they don't deal with airport security as if they are childish natives wearing loincloths.

Originally Posted by carlmorris1977 View Post

Carl has a Cochlear Implant.

This is a special type of hearing aid for severe to profoundly deaf adults and children.

A cochlear implant has both external and internal parts. The external parts consist of a speech processor, microphone and transmitter coil. The internal part is implanted in the mastoid bone behind the ear and then leads to the cochlea.

The security system at airports produces magnetic fields, which can damage the speech processor. It should, therefore, be passed round the outside of the system.

The internal parts of the implant may activate the alarm so the person or child should be checked using the hand scan.

During the flight the speech processor should be turned off for take off and landing while the plane has the "Fasten Seatbelts" sign illuminated.

Please refer to the Identity Card for further information or contact the Yorkshire Auditory Implant Service, Telephone No: 01274 364853.
Carl tiene hecho un implante coclear.

Éste consiste es una clase especial de audífono injertado, el cual se usa con adultos y niños con sordera profunda.

Un implante coclear tiene partes externas e internas. La parte externa consiste de un procesador de lenguaje hablado, un micrófono y un bobinado de transmisión. La parte interna se encuentra implantada en hueso, más precisamente en la apófisis mastoides que se halla detrás del oído, y se conecta con la cóclea o caracol.

El sistema de seguridad de los aeropuertos produce un campo magnético que puede y suele dañar el procesador de lenguaje hablado. Por lo tanto deberá pasar por fuera del sistema de manera que éste no lo afecte.

Las partes internas podrían activar la alarma por lo que la persona debería ser revisada utilizando el detector manual.

Durante el vuelo, el procesador de lenguaje hablado debe ser apagado durante el despegue y el aterrizaje, mientras se mantenga encendido el indicador de "ajustar cinturones".

Por favor, utilizar como referencia la Tarjeta de Identificación para cualquier información adicional, y de ser necesario, contactar el Servicio de Implantes Auditivos de Yorkshire al teléfono [include country code, don't include international call prefix as it changes with the country]
IMPORTANT WARNING: Make sure nobody capitalizes or de-capitalizes anything, and most importantly don't ever replace ñ with n and stressed vowels (á, É, etc.) with their unstressed version. That's not just misspelling but it often changes meaning and reinforces the patronizing nuances in the text. To that effect make sure the final document is pasted as Unicode, don't tolerate any version where Spanish characters have been replaced by bogus symbols, like a#*o instead of año.

If you see those bogus signs yourself, ask for assistance as mock spelling can't be tolerated.
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