Thread: Recorrer
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Old December 24, 2009, 11:25 AM
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@Bob: strong "r" sound is called "doble erre".

This "rr" is pronounced at the beginning of a word or a syllable:

ra·tón [rratón]
En·ri·que [enrrique]
al·re·de·dor [alrrededor]

So "he recorrido" is correct as [eh rrecorrido]

As for "para que yo pueda escucharlo", the "yo" emphasis is better, so there is no room for confusion with "alguien".

But you should rather say "un archivo de sonido".
Archivo = file
Carpeta = folder

Ya ha recorrido el mundo entero, pero no encontró ha encontrado el lago escondido que dicen poder (que) puede darte la vida eternal eterna.
Verbal tenses could have also been "ya recorrió... pero no encontró"
Ain't it wonderful to be alive when the Rock'n'Roll plays...
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