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Old February 27, 2009, 06:24 PM
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CrOtALiTo CrOtALiTo is offline
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I will do some corrections in your post. I hope you can understand my corrections. If you don't understand my corrections about. Please you don't feeling you with embarrassment to ask me.

"Y la verdad que tu si debes dormir hasta tarde en las mañanas"
(this is basically about me going to sleep so late)

"Yo si me acuesto mas temprano que tu"
(this basically says she goes to sleep before me)

but why is she using these words (yo-se-mi-acusto) (la verdad que tu si)

(Because the person is affirm that he goes to sleep more early than you.)

i would've said the same thing in different words

for the 2nd 1 i would have simply said voy a la cama mas temprano que tu

(Yes your way is correct. But I believe that the said before is merely an usages in each country)

i have never even heard of the word acusto

(The way correct to say it is acuesto- go to bed.)

what makes it crazy is that she never almost never uses periods or question marks and spells terribly

I guessed it.

she is a 17yr old Cuban

My suggest above it.
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