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Old August 20, 2011, 07:54 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
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Originally Posted by laepelba View Post
- Do all verbs have a separate form for the present participle and the gerund? If so, would you please give me some examples of other verbs' forms?
Not all, but many.

This form used to be called "participio activo". It's the combination of the verb root with a suffix "-ante", "-ente", or "-iente".

·perseverar - perseverante - perseverando - perseverado
·oír - oyente - oyendo - oído
·causar - causante - causando -causado
·suplir - suplente - supliendo - suplido

Originally Posted by laepelba View Post
- This word "sapiente", which is to be used as an adjective, could you say something like "hombre sapiente" for "wise man"? If not, how would you use that word in a sentence?
Yes, you can use it like that, although it's usually replaced by "sabio".

·Tuve la fortuna de escuchar una sapiente conversación entre Jorge Luis Borges y Alfonso Reyes.
I was fortunate to hear a wise conversation between Jorge Luis Borges and Alfonso Reyes.
·El Doctor Hernández Pérez es un sapiente médico.
Dr. Hernandez Perez is a wise physician.

Edit: Rusty beat me to reply, but one more answer won't harm, I hope.
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