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Old January 24, 2012, 12:27 PM
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aleCcowaN aleCcowaN is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 3,127
Native Language: Castellano
aleCcowaN is on a distinguished road
"dar paso", literally to allow someone or something to walk through; also budging up to allow others to move ("ceder el paso" has a different meaning). Figuratively, to foster certain consequences from previous acts.

Esa puerta enrejada da paso al jardín trasero.
El guardia le dio paso.
La renuncia del ministro dio paso a una crisis de gabinete.

"Vamos a dar paso al tiempo" is a tiny bit bombastic way to say "vamos a dejar que el tiempo pase", in my opinion.

"Ya da[imperative] paso al cuento" = stop doing what you're doing and start telling the joke/tale.
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