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Old March 03, 2010, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by bobjenkins View Post
Yo creo que si las escribes en papel la mente puede recordar y retener (retain) ellas mejor.

If writing the word in a sentence while defining it at the same time on paper with pencil the mind has 3 references to associate the word to.

1. the hand movements of actually writing the word, will help with remembing how to spell the words (one doesn´t achieve this by typing it)

I call it wrist memory.

2. The use of the word and it´s placement in the sentence. You will be able to recall the word in the sentence and be able to better remember it´s placement / use

3. The basic definition that you have weaved into the sentence wil of course aid in the rememberance of the meaning of the word

Anyway I don´t know anything about nuerological pathways associated with learning and retaining vocabulary but this is what I´ve found out from trying different methods

As everyoneknows the fourth and best reference that the brain can have to recall a word is attaching some sort of personal experience / situation to it, that´s why it´s so effective to be emerged in a language. You can practice definitions and sentences all day but the truth is that if you use a word wrong and someone laughs, you´re going to use that word correctly from now on because you´re going to think about that situation everytime you use the word .

Espero que os lo haya explicado bien y te resulte en mucho aprendizaje
Seeing (reading) and the wrist (writing) go together in this.
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