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Old October 19, 2018, 03:32 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
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I can't write the letter for you, but here are some suggestions for making it better:

Originally Posted by gedi View Post
Hola a todos, me gustaría expresar mi gran admiración por esta clínica.
Yo y mi familia (In Spanish it's always the other person and then myself. It's rude to start with "yo" if there is another person or group of persons in the subject) siempre me he sentido mucho cuidado (this doesn't make sense, since it sounds like "I have always felt very careful". Try rewording using "siempre he sentido que..." or. Also, "cuidar" might not be the right verb, but maybe "atender", which is the usual word for medical services.) de una manera muy profesional.
Sin embargo, estoy profundamente decepcionado por el cambio de las normas (You need to say which norms have changed, since "las normas" suggests that the reader already knows exactly what you are talking about.). (***) (You need a definite article here) Familia y nuestros hijos es una parte importante de nuestra sociedad.

Ahora, con el más profundo pesar me informaron de que estas normas no se mantienen por (Although it's passive voice in English, in Spanish this "por" sounds strange. Try a place preposition instead.) su hospital. Realmente no puedo entender cómo la clínica puede (***) (You need a verb here) una mujer que tuvo una familia aparte, que llevó a los niños a su padre (Try rewording. This says "took the children to their father") a trabajar para usted ("Usted" is directly addressing a person, but you've been talking impersonally about the hospital, so try rewording for agreement with the rest of the letter)? Realmente no tenía la opinión más alto (This says you did not have the highest opinion of Dr. M, so be careful with that "no". Also "opinión" is feminine, but "alto" is masculine; you need gender agreement here.) del Dr. M. Por desgracia esto no va junto con mis normas y comprensión de la responsabilidad de una familia y los niños (This is a little fragmentary. Try breaking this into two short sentences so the meaning is clearer.). Que (Starting with "que" a statement is strange in Latin America. Get rid of it.) y no dejará de asistir a su clínica o lo recomendaría (Again you're stating the contrary of what you mean: you're saying that yo won't stop going to the clinic. Also, you are writing the letter in first person, but "dejará" is third person").
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