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Old August 03, 2009, 08:12 PM
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AngelicaDeAlquezar AngelicaDeAlquezar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Mexico City
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Native Language: Mexican Spanish
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@David: "tasón" is rather "tazón"

I will add some more:

Horno de microondas (el) - microwave oven
Licuadora (la) (essential in a Mexican kitchen) - blender
Batidora (la) - mixer
Procesador de alimentos (el) - Food processor
Alacena (la) - cupboard
Fregadero (el) - kitchen sink

I have a confusion on translation for "exprimidor de jugos" (the one for squeezing oranges) and "extractor de jugos" (the one for extracting juice of all kinds of fruits and vegetables). Is there a difference between juicer and juice extractor?

Utensilios - Utensils
Salero (el) - salt shaker
Pimentero (el) - pepper grinder
Azucarera (la) - sugar bowl
Olla express/olla de presión (la) - pressure cooker (?)
Olla (la) - cooking pot (?)
Vajilla (la) - the dishes
Batería de cocina (la) - cooking set
Coladera (la)/colador (el) - strainer

Ingredientes - Ingredients
Azúcar (el/la) - sugar
Especias (las) - spices
Ajo (el) - garlic
Cebolla (la) - onion
Cilantro (el) - coriander
Perejil (el) - parsley
Apio (el) - celery
Clavo (el) - clove
Comino (el) - cummin
Canela (la) - cinnamon

I might make another list as I see more items in my kitchen after dinner tonight.
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