Thread: Bagels?
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Old June 11, 2009, 06:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Rusty View Post
El bagel es un tipo de panecillo, de origen judío. Su nombre procede del yídish (pronunciado béigal, más o menos). Es un panecillo horneado, con forma de anillo (parece rosquilla, pero no sabe igual de ninguna manera). Se lo corta a la mitad y se lo echa crema Philadelphia (cream cheese) u otras cosas. Muy a menudo, en Nueva York y por esos lares, también se lo echa salmón salado y ahumado (lox, del yídish laks). Mmmm, bagel and lox.

Que yo sepa, no hay ninguna traducción al español. Mejor dejarlo en su forma original.
As far as I know, there is no Spanish translation. It's better to leave it untranslated.
You are correct. The begel is a Jewish confection. The word probably comes from the French "Bague" meaning ring. The "el" ending is a German diminuative. The "A" sound would usually be modified to a "E" using a Umlaut making it Bägel. Perhaps in Yiddish (or in English ) the umlaut was lost.

Do-nut is an American contraction of Doughnut, the spelling favo(ured in Britain. By the way we also sell biscuits called "Ginger nuts" without embarrassment, because the term does not have the same sexual connotations over here.
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