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Old May 31, 2013, 06:46 PM
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JPablo JPablo is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Southern California
Posts: 5,579
Native Language: Spanish (Castilian, peninsular)
JPablo is on a distinguished road
There are only 500 million people speaking Spanish at this moment... the US is one of the places where it's growing faster...

I "never" studied English in a "formal" manner... yet, I am beginning to know that I don't know... much... of this amazing language...

"El saber no ocupa lugar" ("knowledge occupies no space" = you can never know [learn] too much...)

Beginning to know that one doesn't know it is not a lesson in humbleness but one in wisdom.

Empezar a saber que uno no sabe no es una lección de humildad, sino de sabiduría.

To learn or not to learn... that is the question!
Lo propio de la verdad es que se basta a sí misma, aquel que la posee no intenta convencer a nadie.
"An enemy is somebody who flatters you. A friend is somebody who criticizes the living daylights out of you."