Thread: Grace of god
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Old May 19, 2011, 08:34 AM
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Context should be provided.

You can never say "por azar" meaning "por la gracia de Dios" no matter the real efficient causes behind the facts, as saying "por la gracia de Dios" implies a social and psychological approach to reality and not a falsifiable hypothesis about any real causation.

People like to say A LOT "(sólo) por milagro" instead "por la gracia de Dios", because a "gracia" is free and unmerited, but later it implies some kind of retribution. Miracles are 100% free. When a kid is saved because a multiple organ transplant, mothers tend to thank God "por el milagro" and later -if they even do- they thank doctors and the donor's relatives. I've never heard a mother thanking scientists, society, institutions and government, no matter the transplant and even lifetime medication is 100% payed with taxes.
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