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Old July 08, 2019, 03:50 PM
RexBanner RexBanner is offline
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 4
RexBanner is on a distinguished road
Did I translate these sentence correctly?

1. Carla is worried about her husband's wellbeing because the police refuse to tell her where they took him after arresting him.=Carla está preocupada por el bienestar de su marido porque el policía se niega a decirle a ella adonde se lo llevó después de detenerlo.

2. Raquel decided to adopt a puppy that had followed her home from the park, which isn't surprising because she's always had a soft spot for animals.=Raquel decidió adoptar un cachorro que la había seguido hasta casa desde el parque, lo cual no es sorprendente porque siempre ha tenido debilidad por animales.

3. The police officers were forced to shoot the neighbor's dog because it had attacked a child and didn't want to release him.=Los policías se vieron obligados a matar el perro del vecino a tiros porque había atacado a un niño y quiso soltarlo.

4. Carlos burried his mother next to his father who died 5 years prior.=Carlos le dio sepultura a su madre al lado de su padre que murió cinco años antes.
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