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Old July 09, 2019, 12:50 PM
RexBanner RexBanner is offline
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 4
RexBanner is on a distinguished road
Could someone also check if these sentence are translated properly?

1. Every night Rosa prays for the wellbeing of her family before she goes to bed.=Todas las noches Rosa reza por el bienestar de su familia antes de acostarse.

2. After playing with his friends in the park Juan returned to his mother covered in mud.=Después de jugar con sus amigos en el parque, Juan volvió a su madre cubierto de barro.

3. I received a postcard from Jorge last week. He says he's really enjoying himself in Germany.=Recibí una tarjeta postal de Jorge la semana pasada. Dice que se divierte mucho en Alemania.

4. My friend is looking for someone that can look after her dog while she goes to France on a business trip. If you're instrested in the job, I can give you her phone number.= Mi amiga busca a alguien que pueda atender a su perro mientras va a Francia en viaje de negocios. Si te interesa el trabajo, puedo darte su número de teléfono.
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