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Old September 21, 2010, 05:00 PM
Feliz Feliz is offline
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Originally Posted by sosia View Post
Gracias Irmamar. That is good to know. Can I do the same for computadora sobremesa or ordenador sobremesa? I mean just use: sobremesa?
No, this time is the other way. You can use ordenador ó computadora and not sobremesa. Some time ago (10 years) all computers where "de sobremesa". Spanish......
Are my sentences awkward?
Not really, only two, but seems direct translations.
Mi esposo está hablando en el teléfono y él dice ¡Hola!
My husband it's at the phone and says ¡Hi!
usual: Mi marido está hablando por teléfono, te manda un saludo (he greets you, he send you a greeting)
Y mi carro es roto y en el garaje. And my car is broken and at the garage.
usual: Y mi coche está roto en el garaje.
the grandchildren are "in" the school, not "at" the school. If they were away at college, would a escuela be appropriate?
No, estarían en la guardería (Kindergarten), en el colegio (school) ó en la universidad (at the university)
If it were not, would garaje still be used and in the same manner? Garage it's usually at home, but in a broader meaning can be a repairing place (a mechanic, "un taller de reparación"): Since it's broken, can be both.

if you say "Mi coche está limpio en el garaje" it's clear it's at home.
If you say "Mi coche está roto y lo he llevado al garaje/taller" it's not at home.


Thank you for more detailed information. I don't believe that I have missed anything. If I have, please let me know. Muchas gracias.

Is this correct? A laptop computer in Spanish is portátil. A desktop computer in Spanish is computador, computadora, or ordenador because in the beginning there was only the desktop type of computer. I think what was confusing me is that sobremesa means the top-of-the-desk and therefore a desktop of sorts. Isn't that funny? So, if I say computador sobremesa or computadora sobremesa or ordenador sobremesa I am being redundant. I'm saying desk top (desktop) computer the way that Yo estoy in Yo estoy muy bien. is "sometimes" redundant and unnecessary. To think that I almost didn't ask this question. Hmm.

From my experience: Mi esposo hablando está por la telefóno. is Mexican Spanish. Mi marido hablando está por la telefóno is Latin American Spanish. I like to learn both whenever I can. Other word differences that come to mind are carro/coche, niño/chico, niña/chica.

I will memorize and use te manda un saludo to mean "he sends you a greeting" instead of y dice ¡Hola! I am looking forward to understanding the te part of this sentence fragment when I study the many other categories of pronouns that exist in Spanish grammar. :>)

I'm going to revise the sentence in the original paragraph about the car to read this way. Y mi carro está en nuestro garaje--roto. Until I understand more completely what you have written about the different types of garages.

I now understand: en la guardería; en el colegio; en la universidad. I won't be using the "at school" again.

¡Hola Maria! ¿Cómo estás hoy? Estoy escribiendo sobre mi portátil en español esta mañana. Mi español es muy malo, lo sé, pero estoy estudiando y aprendiendo más cada día. Mi marido está hablando por el teléfono y te manda un saludo. Mis nietos están en la escuela. Nuestros perros están durmiendo debajo de la mesa en nuestro cocina. Los caballos están comiendose las flores en del jardín otra vez. Y mi carro es en nuestro garaje--roto. Mi madre es en el hospital pero ella está mucho mucho mejor ahora. Eso es todo por ahora. Por favor escribe pronto. Que tengas un bien día. Adiós.

I don't know what my signature is going to be yet, but after this, I'm thinking about:
¡Levántate!--otra vez What a wonderful workout. Thank you very much. I would have never figured all of this out by myself.

Last edited by Rusty; September 21, 2010 at 07:58 PM. Reason: Increased font size
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