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Old September 02, 2010, 12:28 PM
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JPablo JPablo is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Southern California
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Native Language: Spanish (Castilian, peninsular)
JPablo is on a distinguished road
In my book, llevar or traer a alguien por la calle or el camino de la amargura means "to make somebody’s life a misery," "to make somebody’s life impossible" or "to make somebody’s life hell".

(It reminds me my sister, when she was in high-school and totally infatuated with a boy she called "El David de Miguel-Ángel"... the boy had his own life, and having my sister and another girlfriend, "going after him", he once told them -in Catalonian, by the way- "M'esteu amargant l'existencia" = Me estáis amargando la existencia...) (Hombre con una hermana tan guapa como la mía, y su amiguita, a los 15 abriles... yo habría considerado que "a nadie le amarga un dulce"... pero eso es otro tema.)
Lo propio de la verdad es que se basta a sí misma, aquel que la posee no intenta convencer a nadie.
"An enemy is somebody who flatters you. A friend is somebody who criticizes the living daylights out of you."
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