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Old August 08, 2020, 01:34 PM
deandddd deandddd is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 141
deandddd is on a distinguished road
Angelica, Tyrn,

Well, as long as I know that either way it works, and that I am not making a fool of myself, I can say it either way and not go over one of those "speed bumps" in the middle of a sentence.

I have a problem in distinguishing between the indirect object and the direct object in certain situations. If I as the person initiating an explnation to a second person, tell about what a third person did to a fourth person, then for me it is automatically the indirect object.

In that case, the complete structure should be "le tacharon de cobarde a él". I understand it this way as if it were cast in cement. I understand that this would be the structure that you set up in order to explain what a third person did to the fourth.

But when I say it, I would say "lo taché de cobarde".

And to the second person, I would say "tú lo tachaste de cobarde". In the first and second person form of address, I wouldn't expect to hear "le".

But there is something that I am not understanding. And this technicality has been in a holding pattern for me for years.

So I mostly just use le for people and lo and la for things.


Last edited by deandddd; August 08, 2020 at 01:41 PM.
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