Thread: In station
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Old April 02, 2015, 01:15 AM
aniRB aniRB is offline
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 8
aniRB is on a distinguished road
"in station" is grammatically correct, as here it means the same as "in status" or as already pointed out "in social rank" rather than countable stations like bus stations.

However, your sentence is most definitely, not correct.

I am curious about your use of the indefinite article for the subject of the sentence "a woman" but the definite article for the object of the preposition "the man."

If this is meant to imply that a woman should not be superior to a specific man, for example, her husband, than your construction would be correct.

But if it is meant to say that any woman should not be superior to any man than you should use the indefinite article in both cases.

Hasta otra,
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