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Old January 07, 2010, 07:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Perikles View Post
You have to recognise a reflexive or pronominal verb. One post is too short for a full explanation, but a reflexive verb can usually be translated with a himself/herself/myself etc. Lots of Spanish verbs have a reflexive form corresponding to English transitive/intransitive.

For example: secar to dry (transitive), secarse (intransitive)

El sol secó la ropa
The sun dried the clothes (transitive)

La ropa se secó al sol
The clothes dried in the sun (intransitive)

Literally, the clothes dried themselves, hence se

The reflexive bit is the word se which is always tagged on to the end of the infinitive, but split up in a finite verb to become me, te or se etc. depending on person.

Your original question: Mercedes anhela que Juan y Pati (arreglarse) arreglen.
Have a look at the infinitive: (arreglarse)

Does that help?

That does help and it makes sense to me! Muchos gracias Perikles! I had seen this before - with the se but had never understood why and always got those ones wrong. This is a great learning post for me. Thank you very very much!

Originally Posted by CrOtALiTo View Post

I was asking you because your homework were very long for an only post.

Should I have broken it into two posts?


Aquí están mis actualizaciones de los comentarios de Angélica (en azul).
I have redone the sentences entirely because I think that what I did the first time was closer to statements than feelings.

Carlos nunca dijo a su familia que la sucursal de Miami tenía problemas.
¡Eso no es (this is not subjunctive) bueno!
¡Es lamentable que no le dijo a su familia!

Ahora la familia cree que Carlos les ha engañado a todos.
¡Esperemos que Carlos puede(this is not subjunctive) explicar lo que pasó!
¡No es cierto que engañó a su familia!

Probablemente Arturo vendrá a México a reunirse con Raquel.
¡Qué bueno que debería (this is not subjunctive) ser!
¡Es fácil que ella sea contento!

Es posible que don Fernando Castillo se recupere un poco.
¡Eso espero (this is not subjunctive)!
¡Esperemos que se recupere!
Please correct my Spanish. Thank you!
Por favor, corrija mi español! Gracias!

Last edited by ChicadeJeep; January 07, 2010 at 08:43 AM. Reason: Merging my back to back posts, adding new info, editing to complete new info.
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