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Old May 14, 2010, 10:17 AM
Broken Spanish Broken Spanish is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 10
Native Language: English/inglés
Broken Spanish is on a distinguished road
Man! / ¡Hombre!

I have been looking at my Spanish language book again and this time I came across some information about the word ¡Hombre!, used as a kind of intensifier to covey emotions like: Come on! You bet! It said it’s used mostly in Spain. Anyone know any more of its usage? Do Latin Americans use it at all?

In English we also use the word Man to intensify a sentence, when talking informally to friends or other young people. Its usage seems fairly new maybe from the 80s? My parents wouldn’t use it that’s for sure. My mum used to disapprove off the word and said to me ‘’I’m not a man, I’m a woman’’ if I used it with her.

Some examples of it in English: Yeah man! (Used when agreeing with someone), (Oh) Man! ( when expressing disappointment )

As I think its usage in England came from America. I’m wondering if the word Man used in this way came from the Spanish speaking population’s influence on the Americans, and that in turn; from TV etc had an effect on young English people.
Just a thought
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