Thread: Puntos
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Old December 04, 2009, 09:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Tomisimo View Post
En mi opinión, simplemente debes enfatizar la importancia de la buena ortografía. En algunos países, parece que no le dan mucha importancia. Si tu puedes explicar que la gente (futuros empleadores, socios, compañeros del trabajo, etc) los va a juzgar basándose en su forma de escribir y su ortografía, tal vez se dan cuenta que es realmente algo importante.
Unfortunately, many students don't understand/appreciate/care about the long-term gratification you describe here. IF they care to learn the important things NOW, then YEARS in the future, they will appreciate being a good employee?? In all actuality, I find that very few teens could care less about habits that will make them good workers/employees/citizens. They only care about what's going to happen to them this weekend.... (Sorry to be so negative.....)

Originally Posted by irmamar View Post
Sometimes the rules change a bit from a language to another. For instance, we never use a comma before an "y" in a list of words, but you do (apples, lemons, and onions - manzanas, limones y cebollas). Or we don't write with capital letters the same words (Februabry - febrero, Monday - lunes, June - junio).
Originally Posted by Perikles View Post
This is known as the Oxford comma How about that for useless information?
I think that the "Oxford comma" (thanks for that, Perikles) is not agreed upon. I will try to get some research done on this topic, but I am almost certain that I read somewhere recently that some grammar guides say "yes, use it" and some say "it doesn't matter". Hmmm.....
- Lou Ann, de Washington, DC, USA
Específicamente quiero recibir ayuda con el español de latinoamerica. ¡Muchísimas gracias!
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