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Old May 20, 2011, 04:17 PM
cmvmph cmvmph is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 1
cmvmph is on a distinguished road
Yo espero encontrar amigos nuevos para conversar

My name is Christina. I am a 27 year old doctoral student (public health - social epidemiology - studying health disparities in minority and ethnic populations). I work with many spanish-speaking clients and individuals and am soon going to serve on a Board of Directors for an organization dealing with immigration rights... so even though I am confident reading spanish, my grammar is stale (haven't studied for years officially) and my conversational spanish is weak because I don't trust the years of Spanish that I've learned. Basically, I want to learn Spanish that I can use. I would really benefit from learning how to speak at work, so the more exposure I can get here, the better.
Estoy estusiasmado apprender como hablar Epsanol mejor.

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