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Old August 20, 2010, 10:57 PM
Ayer Ayer is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 4
Ayer is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Rusty View Post
There are plenty of errors in your paragraph. A person who didn't know English would have a difficult time understanding what you wrote. Don't dismay, though. All the pieces will fit providing you take the time and the effort.

You've tried hard to use accents correctly, but the very first mistake you made was before the first word. There's an 'Accents' pull-down menu just above the input box for typing text. All the special characters you need to write in Spanish can be found in that menu, including the upside-down exclamation point. By the way, mi doesn't have an accent when it means 'my'. It does when it means 'me', used as an object to a preposition.

"Is there anything else ..." (Hay algo más ...)
¿Qué más debo hacer en vez de memorizar vocabulario?
Además de aumentar el vocabulario, ¿hay algo más que debo hacer?

"Please correct any mistakes I made."
Por favor, corrige cualquier error que haya cometido.
Corrige los errores, por favor. Easier to say.
Thanks for the feedback. I've changed my approach to learning Spanish based on what you told me. I do my best now to write Spanish as proper as possible so I don't have a hard time correcting bad habits later. Starting this Sunday I will only have time to study Spanish for an hour every day instead of 3 hours I might be able to squeeze in 2 hour sessions a few times a week if I'm lucky. I enjoy studying other languages so this whole thing is a lot of fun, even if my previous paragraph in Spanish made NO SENSE lol

I wrote this too off the top of my head. Does it make better sense? I wrote some words in English that I didn't know, and I put some words in parentheses since I didn't know how to make em fit

Yo necesito practico hablo y escribo. Yo practico escribo ahora porque it helps(ayudar) mí understand hearing(oír) Español. Yo estudioso ahora uno hora y medio vocabulario, uno hora grammar y escribo, y treinta minutos listening to Español y leo.

I was trying to say:
I need to practice speaking and writing. I practice writing now because it helps me understand speaking. I now spend an hour and a half doing vocabulary, 1 hour doing grammar and writing, and 30 minutes listening to Spanish and reading it.

Corrige los errores, por favor I tried to use mí the right way this time.
Thanks again
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