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Sharing techniques


Metodología didáctica, técnicas para aprender, la lingüística-- todo cosa relacionada con el aprendizaje y enseñanza de un idioma extranjero.

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Antiguo August 31, 2013, 06:18 AM
tetsuo tetsuo no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Aug 2013
Mensajes: 146
Primera Lengua: German
tetsuo is on a distinguished road
Sharing techniques

This is a general topic. Maybe you'll find something interesting for you. This is how do learn a new language (right now Spanish), but in my opinion, it works for every language.

If your English is good and you'd like to learn Spanish. Check for similar words first. Write them down. Learn them. Spanish <-> your native language.

Of course this isn't enough. Start with card box, make your own or buy another one. If you like to do both, here's a technique that build up the vocabulary of the words you already learned (checking for similarities): create a mindmap with brainstorming for every word. Find synonyms for it. Learn them. While learning this words, you can add words from the cardbox you may have bought, too.

Hint for the cardbox: pay attention it should be build like this: "not learned / didn't know", "known / learned", 1. repeat, 2. repeat and 3. repeat.
With this technique I am using currently 800 card. I am learning them this way:
Spanish -> German (just the vocab)
German -> Spanish (just the vocab)
Spanish -> German (the additional words / sentences on the card: like if your regular word was to learn "egg" - el huevo - you'll know learn huevo duro (boiled egg)
German -> Spanish (like before)
Additionally after a week I recommend learning the complete site of German -> Spanish, than Spanish -> German
I started with this technique on August.22. 2013. I have already done Spanish -> German completely and I am halfway through German -> Spanish. That took me 9 days. If I am that fast, I can learn 800+ words in 30 days easily. Remember how long it took you, to learn this amount in school. A year or two? If you learn conjugations the next 30 days. You have done pretty well and have basic vocab in just two months. Which took you years in school. Even if you make it in a year with 800+ words Who cares. You still have saved years of time. There's no hurry. Learning can be fun. ;-)

Do lessons from a book (lessons book (school book)), software, app (I recommend Duolingo, it's free and for (native) English speakers, the best way (related to apps), ... Check for free audio lessons, movies with subtitles in your native language and books (novels, or books that have an interesting topic). Do one complete lesson per day and/or read at least 2 sites in the book. Don't forget to learn new cards from the cardbox(es).

If you find time to do at least 30 minutes per day or more you will be faster with these techniques than every technique used in school.

Additionally you can use post-its on every thing in your apartment. Put the word on it, write the translation on the back. Write down something related, not only "el libro / los libros / un libro / unos libros" but also something like "what do I do with the things": Write this sentence down you need the most for this thing (e.g. for the book, you won't throw it in the garbage but it read, you know which language will make more sense, right ;-) ?) . It will make it easier to learn, because you need. Your subconscious mind will make your brain learn it faster, because you are need for this. It will push every time.

Read a wikipedia article that you like, find interesting. If you are reading one in your native language. Write 5-10 sentences in the language you'd like to learn and let's check it by a native speaker.

This is just my experience with vocabulary building and learning grammar etc.

Hope I could help you out and give you some possibilities.
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Antiguo September 04, 2013, 09:17 AM
Avatar de Villa
Villa Villa no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Sep 2009
Ubicación: Corona, California
Mensajes: 879
Primera Lengua: inglés y español).
Villa is on a distinguished road
Here's a list of a 100 most important Spanish verbs to go along with your ideas t.

accept aceptar allow permitir/dejar ask preguntar believe creer borrow prestar break romper bring traer buy comprar can/be able poder cancel cancelar change cambiar clean limpiar comb peinar complain quejarse cough toser count contar cut cortar dance bailar draw dibujar drink beber drive conducir eat comer explain explicar fall caerse fill llenar find encontrar finish terminar fit caber fix reparar fly volar forget olvidar give dar go ir have * tener hear oir hurt dañar, herir know saber/conocer learn aprender leave * salir/marcharse listen escuchar live vivir look mirar lose perder make/do hacer need necesitar open abrir close/shut cerrar organize organizar pay pagar play jugar put poner rain llover read leer reply responder run correr say decir see ver sell vender send enviar sign firmar sing cantar sit sentarse sleep dormir smoke fumar speak hablar spell deletrear spend gastar stand ponerse de pie start/begin comenzar study estudiar succeed tener exito swim nadar take * tomar talk hablar teach enseñar tell decir think pensar translate traducir travel viajar try intentar turn off apagar turn on encender type escribir a máquina understand entender use utilizar/usar wait esperar wake up despertar want querer/desear watch mirar work trabajar worry preocuparse write escribir
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Antiguo September 04, 2013, 09:52 AM
tetsuo tetsuo no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Aug 2013
Mensajes: 146
Primera Lengua: German
tetsuo is on a distinguished road
Many thanks.

What would bbe interesting is, which conjugations / form / times are often used in writing / speaking? I could learn all 60-70 conjuations per verb, but I guess it's possible to say this and that is important and do this first. If someone have suggestions that may help me, please post.
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Antiguo September 04, 2013, 05:04 PM
Avatar de Villa
Villa Villa no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Sep 2009
Ubicación: Corona, California
Mensajes: 879
Primera Lengua: inglés y español).
Villa is on a distinguished road
Escrito originalmente por tetsuo Ver Mensaje
Many thanks.

What would bbe interesting is, which conjugations / form / times are often used in writing / speaking? I could learn all 60-70 conjuations per verb, but I guess it's possible to say this and that is important and do this first. If someone have suggestions that may help me, please post.
Glad you asked this question amigo tetsuo. Probably the three most useful verb tenses to learn in Spanish writing are the past and present tenses. However there are 3 past tenses in Spanish as there are in English. You need to know most importantly the imperfecto and the pretérito. And of course el presente. I can explain these if you want.
Of course there is the future tense and the subjuntive tense but those can wait. You can form the future tense another way.

Hopefully you also know the difference between regular and irregular verbs.

2/3 of all Spanish verbs are regular verbs. So if you learn 3 model Spanish verbs then you can conjugate all regular Spanish verbs.
(For the irregular ones you just have to memorize the most important ones.)

Any way here we go with your three model regular Spanish verbs you need to memorize in order to conjugate all Spanish verbs.

hablar - to speak, comer - to eat, vivir - to live
As you can see in Spanish there are three types of ending verbs. ar, er and ir

Oh, you must also memorize the Spanish personal pronouns.

yo, tú, usted, él, ella, nosotros, (vosotros for those learning the Spanish of Spain) - ustedes, ellos, ellas
Hopefully you know what these personal pronouns mean.

Hablar - to speak or talk

yo hablo - I speak
tú hablas - You speak(informal)
usted - You speak(formal)
él > habla - he speaks
ella - she speaks
nosotro hablamos - we speak
vosotros habláis - you plural speak
ustedes - you plural speak
ellos > hablan - they speak(men)
ellas - they speak (women)

Learn this first verb in the present tense and then in the past tenses. Eventually
in all the tenses. Then you have to do the same with the Spanish verbs comer and vivir.

hablé, hablaste, habló, hablamos, hablasteis, hablaron
hablaba, hablabas, hablaba, hablábamos, hablasteis, hablaban

Now you can conjugate any Spanish regular verb.
Examples: amar, cantar, comprar, contar, entrar, borrar, bailar, bajar, bautizar, apagar, adoptar etc. etc.

Última edición por Villa fecha: September 04, 2013 a las 05:32 PM
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Antiguo September 04, 2013, 05:36 PM
Avatar de chileno
chileno chileno no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Feb 2009
Ubicación: Las Vegas, USA
Mensajes: 7,863
Primera Lengua: Castellano
chileno is on a distinguished road
So, that's what both of you do when you learn a new word in the target language. uh?

You say it work?
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Antiguo September 04, 2013, 06:49 PM
tetsuo tetsuo no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Aug 2013
Mensajes: 146
Primera Lengua: German
tetsuo is on a distinguished road
Escrito originalmente por chileno Ver Mensaje
You say it work?
For me: yes, it works.
I learned 800 cards with one word on each in less than two weeks. I am now learn to additional words / sentences that were on 50-60% of the cards.

Última edición por tetsuo fecha: September 04, 2013 a las 09:46 PM
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Antiguo September 04, 2013, 09:00 PM
Avatar de chileno
chileno chileno no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Feb 2009
Ubicación: Las Vegas, USA
Mensajes: 7,863
Primera Lengua: Castellano
chileno is on a distinguished road
Escrito originalmente por tetsuo Ver Mensaje
For me: yes, it works.
I learned 800 cards with one word on each in less than two weeks. I am now learn to additional words / sentences that were on 50-60% of the cards.
Do you do all that when you learn a new word in your native language?

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Antiguo September 04, 2013, 09:47 PM
tetsuo tetsuo no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Aug 2013
Mensajes: 146
Primera Lengua: German
tetsuo is on a distinguished road
No, but my parents doesnt speak Spanish and I couldn't ask anyone else to explain what this or that is and learn a language intuitively.

Yes, I understand it. Thanks!

Última edición por tetsuo fecha: September 04, 2013 a las 09:52 PM
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Antiguo September 04, 2013, 11:06 PM
Avatar de chileno
chileno chileno no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Feb 2009
Ubicación: Las Vegas, USA
Mensajes: 7,863
Primera Lengua: Castellano
chileno is on a distinguished road
Escrito originalmente por tetsuo Ver Mensaje
No, but my parents doesnt speak Spanish and I couldn't ask anyone else to explain what this or that is and learn a language intuitively.

Yes, I understand it. Thanks!
Then read my blog.
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Antiguo September 05, 2013, 08:26 AM
Avatar de chileno
chileno chileno no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Feb 2009
Ubicación: Las Vegas, USA
Mensajes: 7,863
Primera Lengua: Castellano
chileno is on a distinguished road
Did you read the whole blog?

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