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Well-known band from your country


Preguntas sobre la cultura y las diferencias entre las culturas de los distintos países e idiomas.

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Antiguo September 04, 2013, 03:53 AM
tetsuo tetsuo no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Aug 2013
Mensajes: 146
Primera Lengua: German
tetsuo is on a distinguished road
Well-known band from your country

Well-known means for me an entry on German wikipedia. I'd like to explore new music. So it could be anything from pop to metal and even rap. It would be amazing if they are using the native language. But not a must have.

If you're into rock music you should check out Amaral and of course Heroes del Silencio from Spain. If you like a bit harder, then - the band doesn't exist anymore and you must be lucky to find something from them I guess... I can recommend xdisgustinx and Inside Me (follow-up band from xdisgustingx members) - both from Spain, xdisgustingx playing Hardcore with an Iron Maiden feel (as far as I know there's only a demo tape).
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