Antiguo December 13, 2007, 05:43 PM
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Fecha de Ingreso: Apr 2007
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Jaqui is on a distinguished road
Cool Sugiereme una pelicula

¿Has visto una buena película recientemente? I want to use my Netflix account to the fullest, so if you've just seen a good film, perhaps you can post it here (along with an IMDB link would be great too).

Yo haré lo mismo.
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Antiguo December 14, 2007, 11:03 AM
Avatar de Rusty
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Señor Speedy
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Rusty has a spectacular aura aboutRusty has a spectacular aura about
Netflix trailers helped guide me to a couple of good movies.

What kind of movies do you term good?
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Antiguo December 14, 2007, 02:40 PM
bleitzow bleitzow no está en línea
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bleitzow is on a distinguished road

I guess it depends on the type of movies you like and the actors. Some I've recently seen:

- The Number 23 (Jim Carey)
- Premonition (Sandra Bullock)
- Fracture (Can't remember who's in that one)
- Captain Jack (Hello! Oh yeah!)

That's all I can think of at the moment. I will add more later.
~ Brenda
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Antiguo December 19, 2007, 10:01 PM
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sknepper sknepper no está en línea
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sknepper is on a distinguished road
Acabo de ver la película "Yo soy leyenda" y tengo que admitir, fue la más espantosa que he visto en mi vida. No sé cuando irá a Netflix, pero cuando llegue, debes verla.
I'm a spanish student, and I really want to try and engulf myself in the Spanish language as much as possible, so please correct my Spanish on any post or tell me how it could better be said so that I can improve! Thank you!!
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Antiguo January 05, 2008, 01:13 PM
Avatar de Jaqui
Jaqui Jaqui no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Apr 2007
Mensajes: 75
Jaqui is on a distinguished road
Awesome, thanks guys. The number 23 sounds interesting...

I just saw the Bourne Ultimatum and it was pretty good. Better than the second one.
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