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Hola (and other generic introduction message titles)


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Antiguo July 21, 2013, 02:06 PM
ozisonfire ozisonfire no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Jul 2013
Mensajes: 6
ozisonfire is on a distinguished road
Hola (and other generic introduction message titles)


I am Owain, i am have been attempting to teach myself Spanish on and off for three months now and seem to keep hitting a dead end.

I am a student and cannot really afford lessons, so I am restricted to information available on the internet - however once I believe I have a basic knowledge of the language I am going to invest in a few lessons in order to improve my speaking and listening.

My story so far has gone: 1. Understand spanish pronunciation, so that in basic terms i can read something and pronounce it like it should sound in Spanish (check). 2. Learn some Spanish words using a flash card software program (check) 3. Start stringing words together so i can start speaking spanish (failing) - basically I am stuck on where I need to start, what words do i need to learn in order to make sentences (I, I am, I have, We have, I like etc), as well as which rules I need to learn to make sure what I am saying makes sense - there seems to be lots of sources telling me different things (I spent a long time learning rules which i then found out are no longer widely used ) . I am all together very confused (yet no less determined), so I am here initially to seek guidance on where i should go next.

Any help would be much appreciated .


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