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I need help (with this legal text)


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Antiguo May 21, 2008, 11:33 PM
Pura Pura no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Jul 2007
Mensajes: 36
Pura is on a distinguished road
I need help (with this legal text)

Hello everyone ! I haven't been here for a while. The last time I needed help from you and I received it. So here I am again because I need your help again. I have a document that I'm trying to translate from Spanish to English. It's very confusing and I'm almost finished, but this part has me stumped and I'm getting frustrated. I have to write it from the start so you understand what it's about. The words in bold italic are the ones I don't understand.
" Una vez que cause ejecutoria la presente resolucion, remitase copia debidamente certificada de la misma al Ciudadano Oficial del Registro Civil del Municipio de Morelos, ante quien se celebro el matrimonio, debiendo por tanto girarse atento oficio para los efectos de que ordene, se practiquen las anotaciones marginales en el descrita en el tercer punto resolutivo de este fallo, y en su caso se levante el acta de divorcio respectiva."
Espero me puedan ayudar. Gracias
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legal, legal terminology


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