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Little Help with a Big List


Pregunta sobre la definición o traducción de palabras en inglés o español.

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Antiguo August 25, 2010, 01:08 PM
Avatar de Awaken
Awaken Awaken no está en línea
Fecha de Ingreso: Jun 2010
Ubicación: United States
Mensajes: 302
Primera Lengua: American English
Awaken is on a distinguished road
Little Help with a Big List

I'm working on a little Spanish flashcard app to help me work on Spanish and programming at the same time. I made my starting source file, but I was hoping others could look over it and help me with it.

1) Are there errors/typos
2) Did I miss some important words that are critical for Level 1 Spanish?
3) Anything else you want to comment on

As a pre-warning, it is a big list (~1000 words), but if you have Excel 2007, you can filter it to smaller chunks.

If anyone wants to help and doesn't have Excel or an application that can open Excel 2007 files, I will be happy to post it as a CSV file.

Thanks everyone who can help. I know it is asking a lot.

File Download Area: http://code.google.com/p/practicards/downloads/list
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